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supporting people

and organisations

with collaborative, empowering and innovative consulting and counselling services.

As a consultant and counsellor, Emily works with organisations, government, universities, businesses and individuals to provide consulting, supervision and counselling services.

I bring my passion for collaboration, best practice and empowerment to the projects, research, writing, supervision and counselling that I deliver. Being values-driven and highly participatory, I draw on principles of action-reflection, co-design and feminist research methods.

I care about and celebrate diversity and am a committed ally of the LGBTIQ+ community as-well as people impacted by racial, ableist, sexist, economic and religious oppression.

Emily Hanscamp’s research is important for both practice and policy. It is grounded in the wisdom and experiences of practitioners and service users making it informed, applied and pertinent.

Senior Lecturer and the Program Manager of the Bachelor of Youth Work and Youth Studies, RMITKathryn Daley

I appreciate your thoughtful set of questions in the interviews. Thank you so much for your careful work to capture all of my reflections. Your effort and attention to detail in these research reports is evident.

Campaign Practice Lead, Our WatchJess Strickland

I’m so thankful for all of the amazing work you put into the workshops for us - you put in so much effort to support us.

Workshop attendeeSacred Heart Mission

Emily was my manager in my role as a trauma counsellor supporting victim/survivors of trauma with complex needs. In this new service, Emily had been pivotal in formulating all of the practice guidelines, program manual and the new clinical intake model. I was greatly impressed by the depth of knowledge and practice Emily brought to these processes, which came from both her PhD studies and professional work-on-the-ground with clients. All her directions and approaches were 100% loyal to both trauma-informed and trauma-specific counselling theory. Her work is entirely client-focused.

Angela RileyTrauma Counsellor - Redress Support Service, Relationships Australia Victoria

Emily was our peer supervision and reflective practice facilitator for 2 years. Emily was very sensitive and compassionate. I observed her frequently ask counsellors questions to help them reflect more deeply on their experience when they were finding their work challenging. Through linking theory to practice, Emily really helped me to deepen my own understandings of neurobiological underpinnings of trauma.

Past Supervisee, Relationships Australia Victoria Counsellor/ Case Manager
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Emily Hanscamp

Consulting & Counselling